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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Winter indoor activities

Here in the northwoods of Wisconsin it is the "dead of Winter".  The few jobs that I have in the area are almost all completed and my mind has been wandering and wondering.  I love to get outside, but it's so darn cold here that my daughter just can't be out with us for longer than three hours at a hitch.  I don't feel like it's fair to my wife to have em both holed up in the house while I am out exploring the forest on snowshoes.  So... wanting to be productive, I decided to go online and advertise on Craig's List as well as start this blog and a separate Facebook page for the company.  I may not be working now, but I am planting seeds for the future.  Clearly this won't pay my bills today, but the future looks brighter everyday.  We hunker down, pay what little we can, and live in an efficient manner.  This is working for us for the moment.  We took Ellie, my daughter, to the Sayner Library.  Wow, it's an amazing place that Katy's, my wife, grandma was a big part in getting going.  It's great to think that Ellie's great-grandma had a stake in it and that now Ellie is reaping the bennies of her work.  I believe that these are the riches to which we have to look forward.  I don't believe that we will ever own a mansion, but we won't be homeless either.  I just got word that the temp is creeping above 10* F...  We gotta get outside to snowshoe.  More to come.  Maybe some pictures too.

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