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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


As the first post to my first blog, this post will be a welcome to all who read it.  I appreciate your interest!  I am an arborist in North America.  I love trees and what happens to them when they are LEFT ALONE.  I heard an expression once, "...the wild takes over...", and I think it's a beautiful concept.  I care for trees for a living.  My life has been a wild journey of discovery and love as well as challenge.  The one overarching theme has been my love for the natural world and my love to challenge myself physically, mentally and emotionally within that wonderful organism.  Please also understand that there are some trees that grow up wild and have to be cut down because of their choice for location.  Damage to lives is unacceptable, damage to property in my opinion, is, if the person who built didn't consult with an arborist BEFORE construction.  Historic trees should not have to be removed for sidewalks, parking lots or other clear signs of the demise of the human condition. I especially appreciate insight into problems and practical solutions.  If we work together and communicate our best ideas effectively, we can maybe solve some problems.   Have Respect and please feel Welcome!

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