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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Last Oak pruning of 2010/2011

My last Oak pruning job of 2010/2011 was in Madison.  I had a line drop scheduled with MG&E for 9am.  I had to be finished with all of the oaks in the back yard by 3pm so that the power to the house could be hooked back up.  Katy rigged out some big limbs for me over the house.  In all we worked the deadwood out of 5 Oaks (four white (Quercus Alba) and one red (Quercus Rubrum)).  It was a beautiful day for pruning.  I love working with my wife!  We are a great team and she is a fantastic roper.  She is well-trained in using the GRCS and it's always nice with Katy on-line.  Here are some pictures of the day. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a great day. I can't wait to come back next year to clean up the Oaks in the front of the house.
