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Sunday, March 6, 2011

Birch removal using the GRCS in Sayner, WI

Today we removed a twin-stem paper birch (Betula paperifera).  It was growing next to an old shack near Sayner, WI.  The stems were tall (about 50 ft.) and thick (about 14" dbh).  I decided to use the GRCS to hang them in a red pine (Pinus resinosa).  The process was as follows:  First I had to install the pulley in the red pine.  I installed a rope using throw line then installed a pulley on that line.  I pulled the pulley up to the max height with throw line running through it so that I could still pull it down at any time.  Once the pulley was installed  I installed a winch line.  I locked off the "pulley's down line" on a porta- wrap.  This set up would allow me to use the height of the pulley to hang the birch stems.  I now had a high pulley with a rigging line installed.  My next step was to install the rigging line in the trees to be removed.  I used throw line again to access a high branch union in each of the birch stems.  I then installed the rigging line using a running bowline.  I now had the rigging set up that I wanted which was a pulley that was higher than where the rigging line was installed on the birches.  The rigging line was then pretensioned on  the GRCS.  This was so that the back lean of the birches would not cause the saw to get pinched.  I made a 75-90 degree notch and bore-cut behind it leaving a FAT hinge (like two inches).  I set up a trigger and walked over to the GRCS to crank the stems over.  Finally, once the stems were hanging in the red pine, I cut the chunks off and lowered the stems till they were entirely on the ground. It was very controlled and I never had to get off of the ground to make it happen. What a great day!  Here are pictures.  I have video posted on my facebook page @ verticaltechniques.  Enjoy the pictures and, if you make over to FB, the video.

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